Monday, October 23, 2017

Group Discussions

Monday, October 16, 2017

OBJECTIVE: Final Design Decision and Specifications

  • A final design has been chosen on what the project will be on
    • The Origami Boat design is the idea that the group has decided to go with
  • Specifications are decided on including…
  1. Scale of the boat
  2. Dimensions
  3. The 3D Design
  • The design of the hull of the ship has begun, it was decided that the sails would be done separately from the hull and would incorporate the solar panels in the design.

     3 Panels will measure        4 Panels will measure
          10 x 6 x 1 cm     10 x 6 x 8.5 cm

      2 Panels will measure
             10 x 6 x1 cm

Thursday, October 19,2017

OBJECTIVE: Determine a solution to a design fault in which the physical 3D model lacked enough dimensions to efficiently create the autoC.A.D design.

  • A revision was made to the process of the autoC.A.D design in which instead of creating the boat using individually measured pieces, a block would be used as a basis in which (like a sculpture) piece by piece was cut away to result in the final autoCAD design.
Monday, October 23, 2017

  • Problems encountered during the 3D printing phase..
    • before printing could being the design of the hull was conflicted with multiple sketches that prevented the autoC.A.D design from being able to be printed
  • Possible solutions to the issue:
    • Start the design over, starting now with a base and then building from there
    • Resolve the issues (random sketches as well as missing parts) without having to redo the whole design

Screenshots of the Prototype AutoC.A.D design

Fig. 1

   Fig. 2

    Fig. 3

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